Our daily life becomes increasingly digital, sending and sharing files of any kind has become part of our day-to-day activities, whether in the personal or work environment. Old storage devices such as hard drives or pen drives are in the past. We want our information to be accessible from more places and for more people.
Without a doubt, web storage services are adapting to this new manners, we only require an internet connection to access the files that we send or receive through these tools. An example of a typical way to share files is the email; although more and more our files are getting larger and more difficult to share using an email account, so is necessary to look for new platforms to send this type of files.
It is not only about size, we have to consider the safest way to send and share files. We have to make sure that our information is accessible to those we want, and not fall into wrong hands as a consequence of do not take the right security measures.
It might look simple, but a bad decision could bring serious implications for the privacy of your personal or work files. The best way is to analyze which tool adapts you better for what you need to share.
Send large files
It’s not a secret, everytime we send more and more files, looking for more quality in images, videos or audios. We want more and better resolution for our files, including digitally edited documents, which require a larger storage capacity. Also, we need the best tool to send this type of large files as fast as possible.
What type of files demand more storage? Generally our personal files are not edited, we only want to have enough storage to keep and share our personal videos or photograph of our friends and family; but in work environments it is common to send large files between co-workers, where the files are digitally edited and they are larger and difficult to share. This type of files are usual in areas related to art, design, creativity, among others, and could be:
- Video files
- Adobe suite files
- Documents with graphics, images and other attach files.
- Programs and applications.
This kind of files requires a different way to send it, as we can not send large files via email because of their limit storage of 25 Mb. Also, some basic security measures must be considered to be able to share them. Considering that they are the intellectual property of the creator who made them, they are at risk of plagiarism or modification without authorization of the author. It can also be confidential, personal or business files, so you have to make sure that they won't fall into the wrong hands. Therefore, it is not only about to find the most capacity tool, but the safest one.
How to transfer large files
Internet is full of options to send large files, many of them you can use for free and others are paid. Usually, each product offers both possibilities with a limitation of the free space available.
How do we make sure that our files will be where we expect to be? There are several aspects to consider for sharing large and confidential files.
Some services allow to transfer up to 5 Gb in large files, and in its free version they establish an expiration period that can be approximately about one week. In that case, files must have a backup in another place. In addition, files would be vulnerable during this time. So, this is an unhelpful option for information that requires a certain level of security.
Other services to transfer large files for free agree not to keep copies of files or user data, even some of them work without registration. This type of tools are a valid option for those who want a fast and no-registration way to send their files. However, these solutions do not offer security for sharing files, which could be intercepted without having any protection for the content.
File encryption is the most recommended option, this system assures you that information you send will always be protected and illegible in case of falling into third party hands. Only allows to access those who have the password to open the encrypted files.
Whichever tool you use, consider relevance of documents you are sending, and make sure that they reach only those you want.
Share large files
HushApp allows you to encrypt files so they can be shared with the chosen receivers in an easy and secure way. This type of platform admits sending and receiving big files without risk, defining the most convenient expiration date of each transfer, ideal for sharing personal and business files. Whatever the case, you can send and share large number of files online, safely, quickly and easily.